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Management Skills for Everyday Living

There comes a point in most people’s lives when they realise that they really need to get their act together. This realisation may come in the form of a bad credit score, a failed relationship, a chronically disorganised home, a failed health screening, or a job loss. Granted, sometimes these misfortunes come from nowhere, but in many cases, applying everyday management skills to daily living can make life run more smoothly and with less stress.


Nothing can ruin your day like checking your bank account to find that you’re overdrawn again, due to sheer disorganisation. Managing your finances will relieve stress from your everyday life. You will need to make a budget and keep track of all your bills and when they are due. Plan at least two days per month to devote time to paying bills and balancing your accounts. This is best done soon after payday so that the bills get paid before anything else. Debit cards can cause you to overspend, because they are all too easy to use without keeping track of your expenditures. Force yourself to be accountable by recording your debit card purchases in your check register, and prefigure the balance each time you spend money.


It’s hard to have a productive, meaningful life if you just don’t feel well. You know that you’re supposed to exercise, eat right, and get enough sleep, but it all seems so overwhelming at times. Don’t try to do it all at once. Start with one thing, and take baby steps toward your goal. Don’t join a gym — just take a walk around the block for starters. Add a salad to your take-out pizza. These small steps will bring confidence, and a sense of accomplishment that will give you the energy to get more done. Get a notebook and record your progress toward achieving your health goals. This notebook will be a good place to keep track of your check-ups and various health-related test results, as well.


Let’s face it — relationships are work. The people you love need regular attention, or relationships will suffer. Get organised today by writing important dates such as birthdays and anniversaries on your calendar — then remember to send a card or give someone a call. Schedule a weekly date night with your spouse or partner, and while you’re at it, schedule a weekly family night as well. And remember, no matter how busy you are, there’s always time to give someone you love a smile, a hug, or a pat on the back.


Managing a household can be the downfall of an otherwise successful person. There is no end to laundry, dishes, and dust. Probably your Grandmother told you that there should be, “A place for everything, and everything in its place”. So the first step is finding a place to put everything — if you have more stuff than places to put it, then you need to declutter. Throwing things out can be liberating, and it will make clean-up easier, restyling and refurbishing with the right furniture can be reinvigorating. Next, make a list of daily, weekly, and monthly household chores, and then schedule time to accomplish these tasks. Even the smallest household members can, and should, have regular chores to help maintain the home. Many households can get by with a weekly cleaning, providing the dishes and laundry are kept up, and items are put away after being used.


Even though self is listed last, it is probably the most important item on the list. Managing your self encompasses all of the above, but there is more as well. Every person needs to love and be loved, accomplish some type of work, and express themselves in a creative way. If you make a place for these three things, and give them priority, then you will be amazed at how the other aspects of your life will fall into place. Someone who is emotionally healthy and nourished will have more energy to balance their checkbooks, do their laundry, and stick to a budget.

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