1.size: 140*70*70CM
2. the price is for a table, not including the chairs.
USD 395.68/pieceUSD 455.76/pieceUSD 441.33-497.64/pieceUSD 495.82-557.86/pieceUSD 298.63-312.64/pieceUSD 545.63/piece Shipment: When you place an order, please choose a shipping method and pay for the order including the shipping fee. We will send the items within 7 days once your payment is completed. We do not unrantee delivery time on all international shipments due to differences in customs clearing times in individual countries, which may affect how quickly your product is inspected. Please note that buyers are responsible for all additional customs fees, brokerage fees, duties, and taxes for importation into your country. These additional fees may be collected at time of delivery. We will not refund shipping charges for refused shipments. The shipping cost does not include any import taxes, and buyers are responsible for customs duties. Returns: We do our best to serve our customers the best that we can. We will refund you if you return the items within 15 days of your receipt of the items for any reason. However, the buyer should make sure that the items returned are in their original conditions. If the items are damaged or lost when they are returned, the buyer will be responsible for such damage or loss, and we will not give the buyer a full refund. The buyer should try to file a claim with the logistic company to recover the cost of damage or loss. The buyer will be responsible for the shipping fees to return the items. Warranty & Maintenance: We offer the 1-month free replacement. Buyers may request for a replacement within 15 days from your receipt of the product. The buyer should return the product in the original conditions to us and should bear the shipping costs for return. We also provide 12-month free maintenance(except for the damage caused by human factors). The buyer should return the product in the original conditions to us and should bear the shipping costs for return. If any part is required to be replaced, the buyer should also pay for the costs of the parts to be replaced. Before returning the items, please confirm the return address and the logistics method with us. After you give the items to the logistic company, please send us the tracking number. As soon as we receive the items, we will repair or exchange them ASAP. Feedback: Your satisfaction and positive feedback is very important to us. Please leave positive feedback and 5 stars if you are satisfied with our items and services. If you have any problems with our items or services, please feel free to contact us first before you leave negative feedback. We will do our best to solve any problems and provide you with the best customer services.
US $329.00 US $298.89 US $319.00 US $269.00 US $198.00 US $768.00 US $295.00 US $57.86 US $298.00 US $359.00 US $195.00 US $255.00 US $239.00 US $88.00 US $195.00 US $198.00 US $207.00 US $210.00 US $117.00 US $620.00 US $369.00 US $170.00 US $129.00 US $105.00 US $219.00 US $369.00 US $145.00 US $299.00 US $219.00 US $456.00 US $299.00 US $359.00 US $198.00 US $188.56 US $185.00 US $199.00 US $208.00 US $336.00 US $198.00 US $150.00 US $119.00 US $298.00 US $358.00 US $389.00 US $288.00 US $239.00 US $295.00 US $174.00 US $359.00 US $198.00 US $258.00 US $329.00 US $87.67
US $89.65 US $65.63 US $219.86 US $215.78 US $45.76 US $66.85 US $73.65 US $89.65 US $85.63 US $34.78 US $35.00 US $47.87 US $56.68 US $8.80 US $33.68 US $63.75 US $36.85 US $149.86 US $116.83 US $88.65 US $45.63 US $26.83 US $39.83 US $77.86 US $59.00
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Shipping Company | Shipping Cost | Estimated Delivery Time |
3 - 7 days | ||
3 - 7 days | ||
5 - 14 days | ||
Post Air Mail | Free Shipping | 15 - 45 days |
Return Policy | If the product you receive is not as described or low quality, the seller promises that you may return it before order completion (when you click "Confirm Order Received" or exceed confirmation timeframe) and receive a full refund. The return shipping fee will be paid by you. Or, you can choose to keep the product and agree the refund amount directly with the seller. N.B.: If the seller provides the "Longer Protection" service on this product, you may ask for refund up to 15 days after order completion. |
Seller Service | On-time DeliveryIf you do not receive your purchase within 60 days, you can ask for a full refund before order completion (when you click "Confirm Order Received" or exceed confirmation timeframe). |
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